Wine tasting at Gambino Vini

We had a fantastic day yesterday. I started by creating a fun haircut for a friend’s mom who was visiting. Sara gave her a pedicure on our veranda while I created a custom lipstick.


Afterward we headed around to the northeast side of Mt.Etna to Gambino Vini in Linguaglossa. What a find! The wine tasting and food pairing were amazing.  We will definitely return next time we have guests!


14 thoughts on “Wine tasting at Gambino Vini

    1. Glad you enjoyed them. You will have to experience this for yourself when you come visit Sicily! We will make sure it is #1 on your tour.

    1. I hope that you will feel a part of our experiences. And when you come in the spring we can visit the vineyard together!
      Keep checking in and we will try to post more interesting experiences.

    2. Thanks Cheryl! It’s a lot of work but it’s a way to keep in touch with everyone and to get some business here. I’ll try to keep it interesting for you?

  1. Sicilian wine tasting, can it get better? Fantastic, custom lipstick… yours is the best. Looking forward to seeing your artistic Kazuri creations!

    1. Erin you both would love the wine tasting, and the food that they put with it was very tasty. Regarding the lipsticks I’m making some new inspired colors. I will have to post them for you to see. How are you doing with the lipsticks? Are you getting low?

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